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Spent my last day off from work for the year with my wife. We had a day of running errands together but enjoyed each others company. We took the twins to see Santa after school; they dug it and were super pleased they gave him their complete want lists.

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Started my day off with waking out of dead sleep as I forgot to give leave some instruction at work for my loader.  Went in for about 45 minutes on my own time.  Did some running around with the wife.  Haven't seen her all week.  Getting ready to go to work tomorrow, yes Sunday.  My hours will have meet the government reset timeline.  Have never worked a Sunday, ever.  But if it makes Christmas Eve that much easier, I'am all for it.  Plus it is time and a half and double time after 8 hours.

Edited by LFairbanks
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Made it thru another Christmas. Glad that it is over. Some strange reactions when you show up on peoples porches at 2200 while they are in having their family party, and your still out trying to finish. Made it home by midnight.

Thank you for all you do! Know it's gotta be tough working so hard around Christmas but it is appreciated

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Slept in until 07:15 which for me is a gift in itself. Went downstairs made coffee and rather loudly said "Merry Christmas HO HO HO."  Several minutes later the twins woke up and went in our bedroom to wake up Mama. Down the stairs they came and Christmas frivolity followed.  :D

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Thanks.  This is what a typical day looks like this time of year.  All residential.  And this is with 2 sections of my area pulled.  One day was told not to even look at how much I had.  I never do anyhow, but apparently had over 700 stops and 1000 pieces.  Definitely a challenge every day.


 I have never seen it this busy, in my 24 Christmas' that I have done this.  My area, I know has blown up this year.  Going from 200+ stops a day every other day to over 700 during Christmas is huge.  I have always been able to handle what was thrown at me, but this year was the exception.  People being mad on the internet is understandable, but they need to understand as well that things happen.  This was like the perfect storm.


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Chris....That what people get for waiting until the last minute to order.    The UPS driver (lady) who does our community said she had never seen so many packages (especially next day/second day air). 


It was crazy.  One day I had like 50 Next Day stops.  Now how does that work?  The bad thing is that society now days wants everything right now.  Outsiders looking in think that it shouldn't be so complicated.  There is a lot that goes into it.  Heard that the building I work out of was designed for 150K every 3 hours and was doing around 500K in 5 hours.  It will be interesting to say the least when the figures come out as to how much volume was moved.  Then maybe people will be a little more understanding.

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Unfortunately probably not. There was a paper in Killeen asking for people who didn't get their deliveries on time so I responded that they should include when they ordered and maybe talk to drivers who worked crazy hours.


For the most part I have found people be understanding.  I only had one person that was renting a ski home from out of town ask me what was up.  Once I explained he was totally understanding.  The issue in Texas was it started with the ice storms and then snowballed.  Once the snowball starts it is hard to stop.  People expected it to be fixed over night once the storms had stopped.  Just to share an example my Christmas volume went from around 400 stops in years past to 700+ this year.  I usually do 200 to 250 daily in the regular season.  

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Doing a deep cleaning before I get the ozone generator. Look at that filter! It smelled like an ashtray! NASTY!!


I pulled all the carpet out of trunk and cleaned and cleaned all the leather, vinyl, and glass. I even cleaned the rear deck and headliner. It's better, but not perfect.


Here's to hoping the ozone generator gets rid of the rest. Fingers crossed!



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Rinsed the TBSS of at the DIY car wash this AM. Mom stopped by for a visit but cut it short when the freezing drizzle moved in. I just scraped the windows and lifted the wipers up off the glass.  Garage project will be done on Wednesday! Woo hoo cars back in the garage at night by then!

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