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I drove home in snow:( The G8 is a muddy mess and my wife insisted I drive the booboo van back after lunch. Something about my rear tires bring balder than Kojak. The booboo van is also a muddy mess


Now you have two cars to clean this weekend.  I wore shorts today, but I know our turn is coming.

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Woke up at 2 am and had to rush my wife to the hospital....baby Harvey was born at 6:46am. 7.9lbs and 20 inches long. Both the wife and baby are healthy. I'm picking up my daughter from daycare them off to meet her new baby brother.. :)


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We are under a winter storm warning. Yet again we got 21cm a couple weeks ago and are due for another 20cm or so today :( if it keeps up with this kind of weather I can honestly say I will prob need to trade my G8 in for a truck ( i would be leaning towards 2014 Sierra or silverado) my car is fine during the winter just not when we get those amounts of snow lol. Wish me luck! I have to go to work today

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Tornado sirens going off so we're hanging out in the basement. The twins are playing the drums so they don't seem scared by what's going on outside. Before we went downstairs it was like being in a car wash at my house. Lights are flickering as I type this in on my iPhone.

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Also had sirens going off here, hung out in the basement for a bit. On another note had to drive home in part of the storm earlier and was glad I just clayed and sealed my windows last week makes driving in wind driven rain much safer.

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Tornado sirens going off so we're hanging out in the basement. The twins are playing the drums so they don't seem scared by what's going on outside. Before we went downstairs it was like being in a car wash at my house. Lights are flickering as I type this in on my iPhone.


Also had sirens going off here, hung out in the basement for a bit. On another note had to drive home in part of the storm earlier and was glad I just clayed and sealed my windows last week makes driving in wind driven rain much safer.

I hope everyone has stayed safe

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In Las Wages, for a few days.  Don't ever come down here on a day when they have a marathon.  Took 3 hours to find a path to the other side of the strip with all the traffic and not knowing what and where was blocked.  Seemed every where you went you were diverted back.  And the garmin was trying to take me straight to where I wanted to go, just had to kind of ignore it and go down past the airport to get around it all and come back thru the back side.  What a PITA. 

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I hope everyone has stayed safe

We weathered the storm just fine, though our yards were covered in corn harvest debris from the neighboring fields. In the office today our HR person was showing a picture of financial papers she found in her yard in Shorewood from the tornado in Washington. Those papers traveled in the air what would take us 1 hour and 45 minutes to do by car  The local newspaper also had something along the same lines:


One of the worst-hit parts in Illinois was downstate Washington, and a Joliet woman believes a remnant from the storm may have blown the roughly 100 miles to Joliet.

Kelly McCormick Queeney, who lives in the Sunnyland subdivision of Joliet, took her dog out between storms Sunday afternoon and found part of a birth certificate laying in her back yard.

“It was completely wet so I brought it inside to dry,” Queeney, a mother of 5, said.

She realized right away it belonged to a minor, a boy from Washington, the town where a tornado touched down. She found the boy’s Facebook page and sent him a message, telling him she’d be happy to return the certificate if he wanted her to.

“What disturbs me is that for his birth certificate to end up in Joliet, his house must have been hit hard,” she said.

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Wore shorts again today.  It is a day to day decision this time of year.  Had 280 stops today.  Had a helper/trainee for 3 hours.  Most I have done by myself was 256.  It is coming.


Already coming sounds like it.   I have been ordering a few things and would you believe the UPS lady (delivered one box everyday last week).  

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I used the new Rinseless Wash as a Waterless Wash and loved it. I then shopped online for a replacement laptop after my Toshiba Satellite took a fatal crap over the holiday. I'll pull the hard drive and give the wife my RAM for her laptop. Best Buy, here we come.

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Froze at work! Right now it's -37 windchill of -45, I just finished digging my car out and making a path to the back gate to get to it after our big snow storm hit us earlier this week. Turns out my brand new extension cord also doesn't work :( it seems every other week we get hit with lots of snow and it's no fun.

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