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Last week (Wednesday) I took a deposit on the F100.  There was too much to deal with rust and not having a garage, I think this winter may have made it worse if I kept it.  Sold it for the right price, got the remainder of the $ on Saturday.  The truck is officially gone tomorrow.  Mixed feelings, but I think it was the right choice..


Sunday the Wife and I went to the Patriots game, overall we had a good time..  not thrilled about the call in OT that cost the game..  After the game, we went to Red Robin for the Wife's belated Birthday dinner with her family..  They were OUT of Angry Orchard, which made me A____!

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Washed the truck and the wife's car.  Finished de-badgeing the truck.  Will polish, seal and wax in a couple weeks when I'am on vacation.  Paid special attention to the undercarriage on the truck.  Taking it in on Halloween to have it undercoated.  Yeah, I know it will void the warranty that GM offers, but I personally think it is for the better.  Have always done it to all my vehicles and never any problems.  In fact there was surface rust behind the wheel liners on the rear when I removed them to clean well. 


Reinstalled the door weatherstripping in the garage man doors after painting them last weekend.  Cleaned the garage, shutoff and drained the sprinkler system for the winter.  Removed old caulk around windows and re-caulked where needed.  That should finish off my before the snow flies projects.  Will turn the heater on in the garage after it gets a little colder. 

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Busy day Chris, it sounds like you got alot accomplished.  Me,  I washed the wife's van (maybe for the last time, she's getting a 2014 Ford Explorer Limited), got a haircut and did the laundry...and oh, watched football!  We have a huge inspection this week, one in which if we do poorly, I may or may not be fired from my current position, haha.

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Took the twins for a ride in the booboo van to pick up Mama at our friend's garage. She dropped the TBSS off for an oil/filter change and a rear axle leak issue to be fixed. On the way home twin number two decided it was a good time to choke on a piece of candy. She was still moving air but panicked so if you saw a silver booboo van on the shoulder of the southbound Stevenson tonight it was us. She had low blood sugar and a Tootsie Roll is a quick fix, but so is a juice box.


My G8 is sitting in the garage after a hose off at the DIY place...frickin' birds!!! I had nine, count 'em NINE big bird plops on the hood and trunk lid but no where else. Too big for the small bottle of Detail Spray and one old MF towel. The plops were about 2.5 inches across and Detail Spray didn't seem to be cutting it. The plops seemed to absorb the liquid in the spray and then laugh at my efforts for removal. They met their match with hot pressurized water though.  I'm heading out to the garage before sunup to Waterless Wash it followed by Detail Spray wipe down. We have 2" plus of rain in the next three days but it's a sickness we all have.

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My G8 is sitting in the garage after a hose off at the DIY place...frickin' birds!!! I had nine, count 'em NINE big bird plops on the hood and trunk lid but no where else. 



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Well the bed was too toasty warm to get up early so I stayed put until it was coffee time. I made a pot and brought up a cup each for Mama and I. We had a leisurely day together which included shopping for an iPad for me. 


RANT ON!Note to giant big box electronics store: Your customers can't shop for electronics if most of the product is not charged up or plugged in!!! I decided to wait until Friday to check out the iPad Air, but at a different store.


I also attempted to contact the local cable company by phone but gave up after 20+ minutes of button pressing and holding. I wanted to give them $75-100 a month but they made it too difficult to initiate a transaction so %^&* ' them. :mad:  I'd love to have true high speed internet but the local provider(s) leave way way way too much to be desired in terms of product delivery and "customer service." Customer service on their terms and when they dang well please? Nope, ain't going to happen. So I'll stick w/my lousy Earthlink DSL and when I need super speeds I'll drag the craptop with me to the office on weekends and do my downloads and uploads then. Note to aspiring or current business owners: You need to make taking my money for your product or service EFFORTLESS on my end.




This evening while it was pouring outside I was warm and toasty in the garage Waterless Washing the G8. I gave it a coat of wax afterwards.


When the holiday sales come up I'm going to get more Americana, Waterless Wash, WW towels and Quik Sealant. I know when I go online or call in it will be an effortless transaction with Adam's happily and easily taking my hard earned money for their great quality products. 

Edited by sportredmistress
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Took the truck in bright and early and had it undercoated.  Ran a couple errands, then had lunch with the wife.  Washed the DD and vacuumed it out.  Made reservations to go spend some time in Las Wages the week before Thanksgiving, with the wife.  Had use em or loose em points with the time share.  Should be a good time.  Not a gambler, but enjoy the shows.  Haven't been there in like 20 years.  And snagged my Adams package off the porch before the boss saw it.  

Edited by LFairbanks
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I missed Halloween with my boys!  ):   I had to work late.  I want to beat our accountant for making year end on halloween.  Not sure what she was thinking there!  That was a bum dope moment on her part.

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Well well well...long time from being on here. Crazy busy being in and out of the hospital for the last month. Working 16hr days.no baby yet, but he will be here within the next few weeks. Sooo I'm just waiting to get a hair cut now

Elaborate!  I thought your wife was the pregnant one! 

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I had to cancel the past few days of vacation time I was taking off of work..  as of now I'm pretty sure I'll also be canceling a few days next week..  We will probably be inducing midweek as the Doctor doesn't recommend going past 41 weeks..

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Mama and I took the twins to their cousins 8th birthday party at a bowling alley. First time in a bowling alley since 1981. Abby rolled a 54 and Caitlyn a 42 for 7 frames. That's all they got in before pizza came. I got a shock at the cost of bowling today. Back in the day we did 3 games for a dollar in off hours.

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Spent my day in a basement again.  Finished majority of framing finally with the exception of putting a lid in a closet, and two walls on the other end that won't get attention till the rest is all done.  As the owner has it occupied with all of her craft stuff.  Did feel good to start on electrical.  Went and had lunch with the wife at Texas Roadhouse.

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went to bed after work last night at 10pm, got up at 2:30am to drive to hartford ct for a safety meeting, drove back home, got my winter set of wheels and brough them to the shop to put on next weekend.


So...you drove after 4 hours sleep, to go to a safety meeting :)

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Looks like you had great weather to take the family out for the day (by the picture). 



I looked at numbers all day long working on End of Month Closing.  Also trying to figure out to finish using my vacation for 2013.  I know one day will be used to do some detailing before winter comes.  

Edited by DieselDude
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Elaborate! I thought your wife was the pregnant one!

Har har har! She is for a little bit longer. Long story short because on my phone at the hospital. When we got here we found her an OB, they were terrible for a number of reasons, switched hospitals and have had great luck since then. The downside is about 3 weeks after we got here she started having contractions every 3-5 minutes. The first hospital said there was nothing they could do. The current hospital is awesome! My wife has been having constant pains. we went tonight because she tonight she has been having vaginal pains. Too much to type, we've been in and out probably twice a week. Pray for a healthy wife. The good thing is the baby is fine, other down side the wifey is in constant pain

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Har har har! She is for a little bit longer. Long story short because on my phone at the hospital. When we got here we found her an OB, they were terrible for a number of reasons, switched hospitals and have had great luck since then. The downside is about 3 weeks after we got here she started having contractions every 3-5 minutes. The first hospital said there was nothing they could do. The current hospital is awesome! My wife has been having constant pains. we went tonight because she tonight she has been having vaginal pains. Too much to type, we've been in and out probably twice a week. Pray for a healthy wife. The good thing is the baby is fine, other down side the wifey is in constant pain

Fingers crossed!  Good luck! 

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Took a half day today, said my goodbyes (for 'vacation') with the intent of being induced tonight/tomorrow..


went to the Wife's OB for a quick checkup and we scheduled the induction process to begin tomorrow night.. so technically I could work tomorrow, but NOPE, I need the time off haha

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