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lol.. the Wife took the pics with her phone and sent them to me.. I just dragged them to my desktop from iMessage haha..


Now I just have to put down base moldings, some door moldings, and paint the Baby Room..  Also need to get someone in to carpet both sets of stairs..  I would love to get rid of carpet all together but the basement stairs looked frankensteined together when I pulled the carpet and I could only imagine the same results under the 1st-2nd floor stairs..


Any place that your having carpet done and your replacing the the base molding, leave 1/4" gap for them to tuck the carpet underneath. Don't put it right to the floor like you would on your wood floor.  You could always put that nice wood floor that you have in your pics on the stairs.  It gets expensive though with bullnose on the stair tread.

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Any place that your having carpet done and your replacing the the base molding, leave 1/4" gap for them to tuck the carpet underneath. Don't put it right to the floor like you would on your wood floor.  You could always put that nice wood floor that you have in your pics on the stairs.  It gets expensive though with bullnose on the stair tread.

I don't think I have enough left.. and I believe its out of stock now as I purchased it a while back..  its a very think laminate, one of the best I've ever seen, does not look, feel, or sound fake..

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Went fishing after dinner tonight and got skunked for the first time this year. Of course I was out less than 30 minutes when the skies decided to rain on me, Mind you, I checked the radar before leaving and again about 10 minutes into fishing. It popped up right over me and my formerly spotless G8 GT. Last night I caught 5 largemouth bass and the biggest frog I've ever seen.

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It's a regional colloquialism. Skunked = shut out, no fish, zero, nada. I forgot I was addressing a world wide audience. My bad.

This morning I caught the dreaded first cast bass. I should have gone home then since all I caught after that was a hungry gut and got soaked by drizzle. Again nothing on NWS radar when I left. My GoreTex rain jacket is now in with my gear. This means fishing for the rest of the year will be dry...CENSORED!

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If your luck is anything like mine this just means it won't rain anymore since you are now prepared.

You got it. Tonight the storms stayed on the horizon and again had a first cast bass. I left that pond and drove to another one. Did better there, 5 in an hour. At the first pond I spooked Bambi as I approached.

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All moved into the new house, just a little unpacking left to do. Have the morning off tomorrow to take diesel to a muscle specialist to get his leg looked at. We have no idea what he did but he yelps when he jumps. It has been like this for 2 weeks. I'm hoping its nothing to serious but I'm very nervous about tommorrow since we do play sports with him.

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Washed the DD and the wife's Charger.  Filled in the holes in the basement job I'am doing with concrete and picked up 120  2x4's of various lengths along with pressure treated to start framing next Saturday.  Presently going over some of my Grand Canyon pictures to enter into the State Fair this year.  My son is going to enter a pic or two that he took as well.  Just something fun to do.

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My sons and I vacuumed and cleaned the inside of both the WRX and the Camaro today, and we cleaned the carpets/floor mats, 2-bucket washed the cars and dried them with Detail Spray.  I then Brilliant Glazed the Camaro in anticipation of the Cars 'n Coffee event tomorrow at the Behring Auto Museum.  There will be 14 Camaros all rolling together.


If I wake up early enough tomorrow, I'll Buttery Wax the Camaro.

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Washed Mama's TBSS then Detail Spray wipe down yesterday evening. This morning I went fishing, got two. One on a wacky rigged Tiki Stick and one on a top water frog. Then, well I'll let this video explain why my fishing stopped at 2 bass...




Hey, if we can't laugh at ourselves then who can we laugh at???

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My mom stopped by this morning to see the twins, Mama and I. Her twenty year old Volvo sits outside 24/7 at her retirement village and was in dire need of a wash and wax. I only had about an hour so it got a quick wash w/Adams soap and a layer of someone else's wax followed by SVRT on the tires This fall it will get strip washed, clayed and two layers of Quik Sealant for winter prep.

Edited by sportredmistress
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I did my favorite thing, paid bills.  Not really my favorite, but a requirement.  Weed whacked and met mom for lunch with my wife and kid at Texas Roadhouse.  The wife's new favorite place, and it is just down the road.

Edited by LFairbanks
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Cleaned up the G8, Monte Carlo SS. Will tackle the interior of my car Tom. Have a canine therapist coming to see diesel and give me a second opinion on treatment. He has a partially torn ACL. No activity for 6 weeks in a heeler is going to be hard!! Plus have to carry him up and down stairs and pick him up to get in a vehicle (55lbs or 26 kg I think it was)

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Well, yesterday....  I spent the day tearing into the back of my G8.  Over the winter I hit a deer that had been shredded by a semi and left in the middle of I-80.  It was dark, I was going over 70MPH and had a van I was passing.  All I could do it hit it.  The only damage it did was to the back of the car believe it or not.


It tore the rear valance off the bottom which broke the tabs that the push pins go into to hold it on.  So I set out with a bunch of "Goop" two part epoxy and built the area up.  After it had cured, I drilled it out and put it all back together with a new valance.  FINALLY, the valance isn't bouncing around in the wind.  


I also shined up the tips and mufflers while I had it all apart.  MUCH easier when it's all apart.



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Today saw no fishing and no toilet issues!!! I drove to work in the rain. After work I attended a wake for the mother of one of my staff. 87 is a good run but the last several years were marked by Alzheimer's . God rest her soul.

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Today I discovered a big honkin' paint chip on my hood. Something bounced up hit the hood then windshield last night but I thought nothing of it. The wipers cleaned off the smudge left behind so I assumed the hood would be the same...not! Oh we'll, I applied some touch up paint to it. Grrrrrrrrrr. Golf outing tomorrow so of course 70% chance of thunderstorms.

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^Dude, glad you're OK and congrats on the new Charger but talk about a sucky way to get a new set of wheels.^

Oh and thumbs up for not taking the easy way out and getting white! :2thumbs:


OP:  As I indicated above I played in the company golf outing. We couldn't putt to save our souls and ended up -1 for the day. Of course in a best ball scramble one under is @#!^.Oh well, we had fun and rain and thunder waited until we were finishing on 18.

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