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My April Fools Joke on my Co-Worker


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I wanted to do this since I started here because this place reminds me of The Office so bad. So I decided to put a calculator in jello and put it on my friend Laurens desk. Turns out the thing floated so I then thought of a better idea....get her mouse in Jello. I called IT and they brought me down a broken old mouse they were going to throw out. I did a few practice runs and ended up having to take it apart to add some weight inside of it so it could sink. I made a small layer and waited for it to harden up, then I placed the mouse inside and filled it with more jello making it appear it was floating in the center.


This morning she came in and after an hour she went to use the bathroom. Thats when I swapped her mouse out for this one. Her reaction when she sat down was PRICELESS. she exploded laughing and the whole floor erupted. I was almost in tears. After that she brought it up to her friend and apparently when she got back to her office she thought it was actually her mouse so she started ripping it apart trying to save it LOL!

anyways, heres a picture:


<TABLE id=ncode_imageresizer_warning_1 class=ncode_imageresizer_warning width=509><TBODY><TR><TD class=td1 width=20>wol_error.gif</TD><TD class=td2 unselectable="on">This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 701x482 and weights 65KB.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>LaurenDesk.jpg

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I came back off of end of fiscal year leave (had to use it up before end of fiscal) on 1 April four years ago to find my entire cubical and EVERYTHING in it wrapped in bubble wrap!


Everything. CPU, monitor, mouse, keyboard, pens, pencils, stapler. Even individual paper clips. The Lt responsible said it took her and two others five days.......LOL!!


Took me three days to unwrap everything. Just kept finding more things.

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I got the kid across the hall from me in college by plastic wrapping his and filling the recessed space between the door and wrap with popcorn I liked it. The following year we moved the RA's furniture onto the lawn the covered porch of our dorm and set it up just like he had it in his room. I will try to find pictures. It took five guys about three hours to move all the furniture.

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