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Help me pick out a DSLR Camera...


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I'm a canon man myself. The gf has a 40D she's had forever, I haven't stepped up to a DSLR yet but there is a 7D in my not so distant future because I'm sure she's ready for me to quit stealing hers. I do have a SX20is which has alot of features of a DSLR but no interchangeable lenses.


One thing I will say to those on a tight budget don't be afraid to go with a used/refurbished camera. You can get 5D bodies right now very reasonably. I'm sure you can used Nikons too.


As with all cameras the glass is what will make or break your pictures though, investing in good glass is more important then a super high end camera body.

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Heres a couple of my personal favorite places to shop for cameras and camera gear. Great prices and customer service anytime I deal with them. A real pleasure to do business with either of these companies:





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My buddy who's a photographer is using Canon 5D mark II. It takes amazing pictures, but he keeps saying Nikon is the way to go right now now. He sort of wants to make the jump himself, but he's got way too much invested in lens.


The way I see it, you can't go wrong with either the Canons or Nikons. Both will take great pictures and with both the limiting factor isn't the hardware but the person behind the lens. Ansel Adams will take a better shot with a $200 camera then any of will with a $10k camera. ;)


Brandi - in DSLR's don't get hung up on megapixels... MP's are a way for point and shoot cameras to somewhat falsely inflate the quality of the images the cameras take. A DSLR rated at the fraction of the MP of a point and shoot will take much HIGHER quality images.


Even for point and shoot they're over rated now. The problem is they keep upping the MP with keeping the sensor the same size. So it's becoming a pure marketing ploy. For example, the iPhone 4 takes a better picture than other smart phone, even ones with more MP, because Apple put in a larger sensor in it. It's all about capturing the incoming light.


For most people's use of a point and shoot, you really don't need anything over 5 or 6 MP. The prints you make or web use are going to be at a lower resolution. So the thing you should really be paying attention to is the sensor and glass quality.

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Well I looked at all the specs and in the end it was down to the 3100 and 5000. While I'm not looking to use the 3100 for video, I'm sure it still will be from time to time. The biggest reason for buying it was because it has the newer user interface, and isn't going to be replaced in less than a year like I believe the 5000 will. Like I said earlier. Nothing is locking me into this one for life! lol Maybe the D7000 or whatever is next after it will be my next step up.


Hey Dylan, it comes with an 18-55 VR lens so that's the one I'll be using 95% of the time.


As for the iPhone4 comment above having a great camera at only 5mp. I agree 100%. My wife's Desire has a 5mp camera as well and it doesn't hold a candle to my iPhone4. Not even close!


I'm looking forward to getting it and using it in FL in less than a month.


Thanks for your help!





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Even for point and shoot they're over rated now. The problem is they keep upping the MP with keeping the sensor the same size. So it's becoming a pure marketing ploy. For example, the iPhone 4 takes a better picture than other smart phone, even ones with more MP, because Apple put in a larger sensor in it. It's all about capturing the incoming light.


For most people's use of a point and shoot, you really don't need anything over 5 or 6 MP. The prints you make or web use are going to be at a lower resolution. So the thing you should really be paying attention to is the sensor and glass quality.


Its very true... walking thru best buy before Xmas I wandered past their camera section and saw P&S cameras touting 18 MEGAPIXELS!! Upon closer inspection you start to see the specs and realize that there is no way that the camera will produce a half decent image simply b/c the rest of the hardware won't support it.

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Its very true... walking thru best buy before Xmas I wandered past their camera section and saw P&S cameras touting 18 MEGAPIXELS!! Upon closer inspection you start to see the specs and realize that there is no way that the camera will produce a half decent image simply b/c the rest of the hardware won't support it.



Unreal! my friend just got one thats 15mp or something in that nature. I thought my 7mp was out dated but not THAT outdated. Then I got my Droid X which is 8mp, works amazing for photos on my phone but when uploaded to my computer they get all grainey. I need a DSLR BAD

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Nikon guy here, got the D40x thinking of getting the D90 or D7000. :drool:


The 90 is an incredible camera. Still have mine actually... the 300s is my full time camera, but sometimes I'll drag the 90 along too setup with a different lens for easy swaps.


While the 300 is definitely a more powerful camera the 90 really shines in its ease of use... its as close to a "professional" camera as you can get that still has very intuitive controls and settings (like the 5000) The 300s was a BIG learning curve for me and I'm now on my 4th Nikon body.

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I found my OLD Vivitar flash that mounts on top... lol It's older than dirt too!


What filters do you use guys? I'm thinking a polarized and maybe a slight tint.



Now I need an SD card...

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I found my OLD Vivitar flash that mounts on top... lol It's older than dirt too!


What filters do you use guys? I'm thinking a polarized and maybe a slight tint.



Now I need an SD card...


Nice, my old Vivitar never lets me down. Definitely get a circular polorized filter for car shots, spend the extra money and get a good quality one like a Hoya and not some cheap off brand. You might also want to get an ND filter. Other then that filters are a bit obsolete in the digital age imo.

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Unreal! my friend just got one thats 15mp or something in that nature. I thought my 7mp was out dated but not THAT outdated. Then I got my Droid X which is 8mp, works amazing for photos on my phone but when uploaded to my computer they get all grainey. I need a DSLR BAD


Kind of like building a drag car with 1000hp, but trying to run it on a set of 14" donut spare tires from a honda civic. All that power is useless if you can't put it down - the same way all those megapixels aren't worth anything if the rest of the camera can't process them.

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Ok I looked on Amazon and they have a poop ton of choices. I need to wait and find out what size I need I guess. I actually have a clear Nikkor already for my current lenses.



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we got my mom a Nikon D5000 last year and it is awesome, the screen swivels every which way, and it takes really nice photos in auto mode! she now wants a 18-200mm lens for it which is $800


That's the ONE thing I wish the 3100 had but it wasn't a deal breaker. Lenses are VERY pricey...


I'll stick to the ones I have for now.



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Chris, I got a HP 16GB SDHC card for around $35 at bestbuy.com... Its not high speed, but it does the trick. 2300 pics at full resolution - 1000 @ RAW + Jpeg Fine.


Yeah I got an Sandisk Extreme 8gb SDHC card for 47 bucks on Amazon which is a true class 10 SD card and is 30mbs high speed. Some of the more expensive ones were 300+ dollars! Holy Poo.


I talked to Dylan and he told me how many he'd get on a card so I assumed if I got 600 on an 8gb I'd be MORE than happy.


I'll get the card on Thursday and probably the camera next week. Boo!



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I just have the o'l D40, but I like it. I dont take enough pics to justify the huge costs, but I know once the baby is here I'll take alot more, and I think I'll be happy with it...




The D40, then the D40x, then the D3000, and now the D3100 so we both have the entry level camera. Mine's just newer.



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Ugh... getting my gear packed up for Scottsdale and my DSLR bag just popped a seem at the bottom. Problem is now calling around, no one has the lowepro bag I want/need to carry my gear plus a laptop in one piece for carry on.


I hate having to check bags, but between laptop bag, camera bag, and cloths looks like I'm going to have to. :mad:

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