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Fulltime details or other profession?


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so what do you guys do for work? are the majority of you fulltime detailers? :pc: or do you do it as a hobby


I personally work at a Private Bank in Boston and also a garage on some weekends to help out. I do detailing when its nice out and I have a day off as a hobby for some side money.

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I guess my detailing interest started as a teen when my mom would make me wash, vacuum and armor-all her Escalade every Saturday. It was pearl white and looking back, I wonder how many swirls I put in that paint with my cheap Walmart cleaning supplies and no real detailing knowledge...but it was sharp and noone else had one yet (1999)...I got to take it out for dates, homecoming, prom, etc so it worked out fine for me...


and then I bought a black muscle car and the rest is history :lolsmack:


By day I am a structural engineer, estimator and project manager for a steel fabrication company...

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coal miner eh? id freak out if I were in a mine!


I started detailing a few years back when I wanted to start getting my truck show worthy. From there others wanted theirs done. Now it seems that everyday I have off (3 seasons out of the year) im getting phone calls from people wanting theirs done. I dont charge nearly as much as I should, but it keeps a steady flow of cash in on the side which is great for buying more things for my blue truck..and sometimes the white one :)

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Many people don't know this but I invented the spork and up until recently had been living off of those royalties. Now I moonlight as the guy who paints the dots on dice... I occasionally drop in here to help.



So, you started out at Taco Bell handing out those sporks :D:D

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So, you started out at Taco Bell handing out those sporks :D:D


No... I only invented them... it came on the heels of my breakthrough development of aglets, the small plastic thing at the end of shoe laces. I had intended to go into the family business - deodorant smell tester - but the plight of frayed shoelaces the world over drew me down a different path.






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Detailing is a hobby -- i hate driving around in a dirty car -- by by day i'm a graphic artist. You see examples of my work all over this forum.


On a side note... Until i read this thread I though Dylan worked for Adams. now I'm pretty much convinced that he's an escaped mental patient. :help:

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Like Scott above (KUSTOM_FX), detailing is my Zen. The occasional cash paying detail is a great addition to my mod money/Adam's Polishes fund. Though after last night's faux pas that may have taken a beating.:mad::o:eek::(



By day I am the Client Services Manager for the 6th largest wholesale optical laboratory in the U.S. :patriot:

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For as long as I can remember, it's always been a hobby and stress reliever for me on my own vehicles, as like many of us, I can't stand a dirty car, but as I got more requests and inquiries about methods and products, I realized it could generate some decent income as well. For the last few years, it's generated enough to support my car habit and now will be a legitimate business entity as I expand from into retail sales.


My real lifelong career is audio engineer/electronics guru and I own and operate a low voltage wiring and consumer electronics consulting business.

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