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Highlander! There can be only one!

Captain Slow

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My latest project is my neighbor's 2009 Toyota Highlander. It's a DD and has 30,000 expressway miles on the clock.

Today it got a 2 bucket w/GG Dawn wash with MF mitts, under hood cleaning, plus wheels, tires and arches cleaned. Under hood got cleaned with All Purpose Cleaner. The insulating panel under the hood got brushed then wiped down with a damp towel. Door shuts all around were cleaned with Adam's Waterless Car Wash. Tomorrow it gets clay bar then an interior detail. This weekend is polish time! I have a nice clean slate to work with and only a few uh-ohs on the paint to fix. The expected faint swirling is there, but will disappear.

One thing is for sure; I need to get the PowerStick. Using brushes and getting brake dust/wheel cleaner splatters all over myself is for the birds.


Full detail posting to follow upon completion, I'm just being a tease for now. :glasses:




After wash, etc:


Under the hood before:


Three of the uh-ohs are here:


One of the uh-ohs is here, visible by looking at evergreen tree:


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You are a good neighbor!! :rockon:

Yes I am, thank you, but I hope you're not thinking I'm doing this for free. I detail as a hobby only, I find it to be a great stress reducer. The few cash paying details I do are strictly for enhancing my Adam's detailing kit or for mod money for the G8. Loud pipes are coming after this detail..........:thumbsup:

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This past week has found me busy with one twin sick, then the other. This threw a monkey wrench into my plans for the week, but I finally did finish today. After the above wash and clay I got busy Saturday afternoon with polishing. I fired up the spot light and was amazed at the swirls that were not readily visible in any previous pic. This is why AJ challenges people to take a pic with the flash firing; you can run swirls, but you can't hide.


I had an initial setback as I was going to use an orange CCS pad and M205, but the pad decided it was time to delaminate from the velcro.:mad: Onto to plan 2. I used a white polishing pad and M105 followed by M205 on a white polishing pad and knocked well over 95% of the evil swirlies off of the finish. I really dig the 105/205 combo, but I will be purchasing SHR and FMP this fall. I can't wait to see what I can do with it. Adam's Detail Spray on a pad is the perfect start to any correction. I have used other pad "conditioners," primers, whatever. None comes close to Adam's Detail Spray. It makes product removal a breeze.

I had quite the experience polishing this SUV. The paint corrected easily, but at first I thought I was dealing with single stage paint. The first pass of the pad w/M105 came up filthy dirty. I did a quick pad cleaning with a MF towel and a second pass. I followed up with a second pad w/M205 and that pad came up clean. Not sure what Dawn and a clay bar missed. I didn't hit any weatherstripping or tape.....hmmmmm? Anyway, I did the hood, driver's side and rear end then called it a day.

Sunday I finished the passenger side and roof. Sunday night it got a coat of BSG and I went home.

Monday the BSG came off and I gave it a coat of Americana.

This morning I gave it a second coat of Americana. I then went to the dentist (1 cavity) and the ophthalmologist. I have glaucoma, Dr. changed me from Xalatan to Travatan; pressures being stubborn. When I got back home Mama and the twins were napping so I got cracking. The wheel wells got Adam's Undercarriage Spray and the wheels got Meg's NXT 2.0, gotta use it up. Tires and under the hood got SVRT. Trim got In & Out Spray after I took the pics, DOH! Interior got the last of my Meguiar's QID and Meguiar's Glass Cleaner.

Here's the hood with Stevenson Expressway stone chips but nary a swirl or scratch:


Here's a front shot:


Our neighbor's black Cadillac SRX needs my attention:


My house in the passenger side mirror:


I'm not sure which one of these is my favorite:



Here's under the hood:BrendasHighlanderdetail9-22-10079Largee-mailview.jpg

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