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Everything posted by TheBurninator

  1. The other issue with waxing wheels is it will attract more brake dust/dirt in the week that it does last. I might top my wheels with a quick coat of wax at a show... but probably not because I am too lazy for that and the quick sealant provides plenty of pop.
  2. that was the same thing I ran into with it.
  3. for a while I was using a microfiber wash mitt on wheels.
  4. I normally get tight areas by hand. The PE8 is on my list for this year, but I learned to buff on a rotary and still use one regularly.
  5. Actually thinking about this it doesn't really add any time compared to Hydro2... You are still having to dry the car after Hydro2, and with HGG you are basically drying as you seal.
  6. Is the wet towel required for application? Or can this be applied like Hydro2 where you spray on, rinse off?
  7. Is it a streaking issue on matte that just takes a bit more attention on wipeoff? Any cure time before it can be topped?
  8. BMW has the worst pad dust I have ever seen. The Mini cooper lasts about 2 days before they are black again. It makes my Hawk HPS' look like stock Honda pads.
  9. I have the same issue... so I just post to here when I am at work on the computer. I mean.... obviously working hard if the boss is watching
  10. Mine has become my 3-4" pad machine and what I use for the scrub brushes that normally go on the cyclo. It has also worked well for wet sanding from time to time. Kinda turned into my "dirty job" go-to polisher.
  11. One of the few cars that could get me away from a German car. They are a blast to drive.
  12. This is very solid advice. I aim for about $50/ hour before factoring product cost into anything I do, and have a couple of packages setup around that. For friends I throw a bit of a discount on top. Remember to factor the size of the vehicle, and I charge extra for cars that are dirtier than normal (I call it the mommy wagon tax). Also having optional add-ons like glass sealant or pulling wheels to get the insides of everything better than you normally would are great money makers as well, and I hook friends up with those at no charge, time permitting. Agreed. If I am doing full corrections I charge by the hour, especially on black paint. Otherwise if I am 1 stepping a car then I have a fixed price package. The other thing I like to do for friends is offer them a discounted detail if they pay for a new product I want to try and let me test it on their car.
  13. Love my CC 4Mo. It has a nicer build quality than the A6 I used to have and drives like a dream. And it has beaten out the Merc CLA in every review.
  14. On that note I will need a 50/50 shot as well... Make sure you do a test spot
  15. I've been able to wiggle a 4" pad into one of the Americana Mini tubs.
  16. Have you figured out a way to get the undercarriage spray staining out of the driveway? Even after hitting the driveway with some degreaser, scrubbing, and pressure washing it still remains (Probably suck in the pores)
  17. I've also had brake dust buildup "stain" the driveway. Just pressure washed the drive way to get rid of that though.
  18. Got a letter from my HOA about the stains from undercarriage spray. Now I just bring the bottle with me to work and apply it in the parking lot there.
  19. 16) You think it is reasonable to order 5 gallons of APC at a time because you'll use it by the end of summer 17) You call in sick to work on a nice day to detail your car 18) Even your car that doesn't run gets detailed as often as the one that does.
  20. Do these buckets have graduations on the side still? Any thoughts on a wheel labeled bucket?
  21. It looks like most of it would polish out. A bit hard to tell since the car is black...
  22. No. if you polish the coating you will abrade it away pretty quickly. 1) Find out if the coating has a scratch in it, or if it is under the coating 2) If it is under the coating then find out if a pro applied it, if a pro applied it then it should be under warranty to have fixed. If it was a DIY or not done by a certified place then I would say take a stab at it. 3) If the coating is scratched then it is likely the owner of the car's doing, either wrong washing methods, or something dragged along the roof. Fixing it will require polishing and recoating that panel or area of the car.
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