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Everything posted by TheBurninator

  1. That looks more like the wheel itself has pitted and is rusting. The rust from a brake drum wouldn't transfer like that.
  2. Can you give me an idea on price point with a smaller sized one? It's a tempting item to add to my arsenal...
  3. I've been known to remove my door handles to get under there. Still have to hit it by hand, but so much more room to work without the door handle in the way. Not recommending that for every situation though. Someone elses's car I will just use a MF towel and work some correcting polish under the handle.
  4. Washed the CC for the first time in about 3 months yesterday. It looked pretty sad in the driveway covered in stuff from the last time I drove it in December. Really I just wanted an excuse to use the new car shampoo Deep wheel cleaner put in some work Quick once over on the engine bay All finished: Then went and did some sanding on the shift knob badge on my GTI. Remove the old paint, sanded from 400 out to 2000 wet and then hit it with Adam's Paint Correcting Polish by hand. Applied new backings and will paint them to match the car later this week. Also got the new wheel in the car and started loading it with leather conditioner. Been conditioning it every couple days to soften it up a bit and seems to be helping get rid of some of the wrinkles in the leather.
  5. I find myself using the Cyclo more and more lately. It is just a machine I can work with for longer periods of time with less fatigue. A couple weeks ago I did 1 pass on my grandfather's truck with an AIO. Took me most of a day to get it done, but I wasn't nearly as tired as I would be if I was using the flex.
  6. Next time use some APC to clean your pads. No chance of this happening that way. Also I would suggest getting more than 1 pad as others have mentioned.
  7. I've never been able to get a noticeable difference using a paint polish on glass.
  8. You would need a glass polish and polishing pads.
  9. As long as it isn't a matte or satin finish then powder coating can be treated the same as paint.
  10. I've used both before. The fender brush seems to better clean rubber mats. The bristles aren't stiff enough on the tire brush IMO.
  11. That sounds like a similar issue that we have had at the office here. We have a huge building but it was less than half capacity until a couple months ago. Now even if you park far away where we had the unspoken rule of every other space, someone will just park next to you. I've been tempted to leave notes when people do it to me. Just trying to figure out how to word it without HR or building management called on me.
  12. There are days I don't go into the office because I don't want to get my car dirty. My boss and I get a good laugh out of it when I work from home on days when it is raining a little bit. I feel like you almost have to park that far away from people to keep your car from getting door dinged. Even then some asshole will always decide to park RIGHT next to you.
  13. It depends on how aggressive the clay is. Adam's is a fine clay and not very aggressive. Keep in mind clay is still an abrasive and to maximize your shine you should polish after claying to remove and possible marring from the clay process.
  14. Same thing I use. Great minds think alike apparently. They don't allow for dirt and stuff to get in either that could possibly contaminate the towels like some of the stackable drawers. And more room to use.
  15. I would have asked for them to keep all the wrapping plastics on it so you can unwrap it like a present at the house... also to ensure no one else had touched it.
  16. This works great for floor mats since they can be removed. I usually go a step further and will scrub them down with Carpet cleaner and a carpet brush before hosing them out. Have one and this is what I use for the actual carpet since the salt soaks in past the floor mats usually. Wish it was stronger, but I can't complain for the money. OP I'd suggest an extractor for this over a steamer. The steamer won't fully pull it out in my experience. But my recommendation is the Mcculloch steamer for jobs that need steam.
  17. What everyone else said, but I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned not to use Dawn dish soap on your car yet.
  18. I was just thinking the other day that it would be nice if I they didn't have a lid so I could stack my buckets... And then keep one around with a lid for rinseless.
  19. I'm curious to see how the application process will compare to Cquartz with the coating you guys have coming out.
  20. That box is beautiful. Makes me wish I had the coin for a snapon box for the garage. Someday.
  21. I wouldn't consider quick sealant to be a tedious job to apply, or that time consuming. No worse than hand waxing. Ceramic Coatings are much more tedious to apply in my opinion.
  22. I like to smile at them to remind them they have a scowl on their faces too. Maybe give them a thumbs up if they get more frustrated. My car is clean when I say it is! No one is going to force me to stop cleaning unless its on my own terms.
  23. I've dealt with similar stuff when I was living in an apartment. I've done full 2 bucket washes at the coin op before. Its not exactly ideal or cost effective, but it can be done. I'd suggest coin op for spraying off heavy stuff then doing Rinseless as others have mentioned.
  24. Would love to see some before and afters of these boxes!
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