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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. Welcome, what city do you live in? I'm in West Haven. Regardless, I'm sure you're just as eager to get rid of winter as I am
  2. It really depends on the condition of your paint. If you have serious swirl marks you'll want to use the SHR by itself first. If you have light swirl marks and don't want or need to go over the car more than once you can combine the SHR and polish to save time. use the orange pad whenever using SHR.
  3. I don't remember my pads having that honeycomb pattern on them. Would that make a difference in the results achieved or amount of effort needed?
  4. I don't remember my pads having that honeycomb pattern on them. Would that make a difference in the results achieved or amount of effort needed?
  5. I don't remember my pads having that honeycomb pattern on them. Would that make a difference in the results achieved or amount of effort needed?
  6. I've added the Machine Superwax to my lineup since I first responded to this poll so things have changed a bit. All of our vehicles are polished by machine (I've used the Gen1 pads last year and recently got a set of Gen2's that will be used this spring). The vette I will continue to wax by hand with the Buttery Wax because it stays in the garage. The daily drivers will get a coat of Superwax since none of them are garaged. Complete details for all daily drivers once it warms up, then weekly washes, a coat of Buttery Wax by hand every four to six weeks to maintain a deep shine, and of course Detail Spray in between as needed. edit: Yay 300 posts, watch out Bill
  7. hmmm apparently Adam's is so good that cleaning your car with anything else afterwards actually makes it dirtier. your car is proof!
  8. I rarely take the vette anywhere where it needs to be left in a lot by itself, but when I do I always park like a jerk; in a corner on an angle so my back tires are each facing a curb. If it's a busy lot I won't do that but I still try to keep it away from other cars if possible.
  9. been watching since I came home from work, will be watching all night.
  10. I buy all my electronics from amazon.com or newegg.com I never bother with Best Buy or Circuit City unless someone gives me a gift card.
  11. after looking at the pic of the excursion I don't feel so bad about my winter-beaten DD after all. just don't use that in any marketing
  12. amazon.com has them for $112 and free shipping. if you live in the northeast, use tools-plus $115 shipped for faster delivery.
  13. Call up UPS give them the tracking number and they can contact the driver to see if he brought it to the wrong house. I had that happen with FedEx once, a package was misdelivered. I called up, they got ahold of the driver, and said that he brought it to 'the yellow house on the corner' which is 3 doors away.
  14. That makes sense, so did you also test the metal polishes with a sprayer before deciding to bottle them with a squirt cap? I haven't used my metal polish yet so I don't know how much of it soaks into the applicator like you described with the Brilliance As for your brilliance, you must be doing something right with this many people worshiping you:king:
  15. I don't know if this was mentioned elsewhere already, but I got to thinking - since BSG is applied with an applicator pad rather than sprayed onto the surface, is there as reason, besides the sake of changing the product name, that it is bottled in a spray bottle instead of a squirt bottle? The metal polishes are liquid and separate by design just like BSG, and you apply them with an applicator too. I figured it might save on production/packaging a bit if the BSG wasn't used with a sprayer (plus you wouldn't have to spray a few squirts into the trash each time you use it to clear the straw). It could be renamed Brilliant Show Glaze to keep the BSG acronym. My $0.02
  16. I only watch the auditions because I like comedy shows.
  17. I've got one for the tires and another cut in half, half vrt on the engine, half leather conditioner for the dash. I look forward to see what improvements are made to the new sponges but the ones I have now will last quite a while
  18. Agreed, this stuff is great around the house too, works like magic
  19. I still have my original six as well, and 4 of them have never been used. The one I use on the tires has a few small tears but the VRT applies better once the sponge has gotten some use. These sponges are extremely durable
  20. I use shop vac exhaust. on a related note I use falcon dust off on the interior where dust accumulates in hard to reach areas, air vents, etc (also good for electronics and computers) 4 pack at costco for $11. anywhere else it's like $8 per can
  21. I like the older ones better because they match the towels with the black stitching, and I thought they were softer. The all-blue ones are nice though because the foam inside dosesn't distort after use and remains the same shape regardless of how you twist the pad.
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