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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. Aw, and I was going to make a joke until I scrolled down all the way
  2. Polish is a paint cleaner and offers no protection. Revive is the least aggressive, followed by FMP, then SHR being the most. My advice would be to leave the new paint alone, so if anything happens to it, the body shop will have to fix it and they can't say you did anything. After the 60 day period you should be able to clean up any swirl marks easily with Fine Machine Polish and the white pad. Once you get it perfect then you can throw a coat of wax on for the protection
  3. I thought Adam was looking for a black Z06/ZR1? If I knew he wanted a Ferrari 599 I would have lent him mine :jester: I don't think you could have picked a better atmosphere to do the shoot in, I mean, look at this
  4. I'll remember to bring my camera for blackmailing purposes
  5. that's all that I do - just friends, friends of those friends, and family. I find detailing very therapeutic for my OCD plus I get paid on top of it 9 times out of 10 I'll have talked someone into at least claying the paint after showing them the bag test. Like Dylan said, explaining what you do any why you do it, and then letting the customer see the difference in before&after, makes them realize the importance of each step between the wash and the wax then there are a few who are either cheap or don't care as much about the condition of their vehicle who just want it washed and waxed and nothing else, I do just that just to placate them, because it wouldn't be worth my time - if they don't want the whole shebang then they wouldn't appreciate it if you did it anyway
  6. Never heard of it either. I'd rather drive my car dirty than let someone else touch it, especially with any other product
  7. nice job any 'before' pics? how long did you spend on it?
  8. http://www.corvettesatcarlisle.com/ce/events/corvettes/ It'd be difficult to find a hotel room in Carlisle itself by now, but there's plenty of places in nearby Harrisburg that should have vacancies. I think the Days Inn that I always stay in should have some rooms left. http://www.daysinnharrisburg.com/
  9. What about talking to local chevy dealers in the area to see if they have a car you can use? I'm sure whatever they have will come standard with swirl marks
  10. Looks good, how is the waxing going for you?
  11. no need to wax it, that car will have the "wet look" for a long time
  12. I've cleaned mine with full strength APC after every use and I have had no problems with it "disintegrating" I know the app doesn't 'get dirty' but I found that if you don't clean it out good enough (or at all) the wax in the app will dry so that the next time you go to grab it, it will be as if you just squeezed a bottle of talcum powder. I like to clean out all of my applicators and sponges after each use so that they are as clean as possible for the next time I need to use them
  13. The lip does trap water if you try to pour it out, so what I do is shake out as much as possible then soak up the rest with the waffle weave before washing it. I should have mentioned that I keep a small desiccant bag in the wash bucket below the grit guard when it's stored, just in case there's any moisture left over in either the bucket, towel, or wash pad
  14. plus the leather cleaner and conditioner both smell awesome
  15. Yep, in the first pic it actually looks gray Glad I was shown the Adam's way otherwise it'd still look like that :help:
  16. I don't know why but that shade of green on the camaro is really freakin cool
  17. I just found a picture I took in November 2005 of my Taurus, after being washed and waxed with M******'s G*** C**** products (wanna buy a vowel? ) Clean? Probably. Shiny? Uh....what does that mean? Adam knows: :2thumbs:
  18. I thoroughly clean out my stuff after using them, so I don't label them per product or top and bottom since they are, for lack of a better term, "reset" after washing them (for microfiber, I use cold water, some Woolite, and a tiny splash of bleach, and let them soak). I do have one Adam's towel that has been used a lot more than the others, it's visibly worn compared to the rest so it's easy to distinguish, and I only use that towel for door jambs, wheels, etc. I make sure all of my towels, pads, etc are completely dry before storing them back in a bag or the bucket
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