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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. For whatever reason, I just found out today that there is a Corvette cruise-in at Amarante's Sea Cliff in New Haven every Tuesday night during the summer...so I decided to go because I've been to this place before and the location is absolutely perfect thanks for looking
  2. That second one is awesome with the jet trails in the sky. Must have been taken on Thursday because I don't remember the sky being blue!
  3. Of course they're all great companies, but each one has their own special way of doing things. Your special way is what keeps us here I also understand that you got a nice surprise Friday morning, care to share with us?
  4. I've heard of people using a 50/50 APC/Water mix as a lube instead of Detail Spray to get some tough stuff off. If you do that, make sure to rinse the area with plain water immediately after
  5. Here's a few more from my phone that I took on Friday Adam hard at work, demoing the BSG. No other tent had people circled around watching so religiously And the results "here let me hold that for you"
  6. Have you tried clay barring it? My mother drove over a freshly painted road line and had white specs all over her front left wheel and fender, and I didn't know about it until a few weeks afterwards. Clay took it off take a picture if you can
  7. the only one with a dark red C4 with '1988' underneath it not everyone gets that specific
  8. I was wearing a shirt with my car embroidered on it, figured it would be a dead giveaway
  9. hey Ron I walked around far enough and finally found your car a few people asked me where mine was, my response was, "at home, dry" It was great meeting Chris, AJ, and Rich. And a huge thanks to Adam for showing such a tremendous level of hospitality as always :thumbsup:
  10. Ok I sorted through my 140 pictures and found 73 that came out good enough, and resized them to a more manageable resolution. I'll only post about twenty or so and I'll provide the link to the folder where I saved them so everyone can see the rest The first one is from the appreciation party Friday night. I tried to get a decent pic but some jerk parked his vette in the way Click here to see the entire set of photos I took
  11. I took over 100 pics, but I just got home about an hour ago and haven't even bothered unpacking, nonetheless sort out pictures. I'm gonna go collapse now
  12. When it started downpouring, we were in Corvette America's tent, so we grabbed some of their shopping bags and covered our heads as we ran from tent to tent, trying to get back to the main gate. We didn't get far, and at the last tent at which we sought refuge, we found a pile of tarps. We folded one longways and all four of us got under it, like one of those chinese dragon costumes, and ran back to the gate. We passed by a ton of people in their cars so there HAS to be someone out there who took a picture of us. We also have to figure out where the tarps were so we can bring it back tomorrow
  13. and scrounging over documentation to figure out whether or not the owner didn't just buy the emblem and slap it on himself One less thing to de-badge if'n'whenever I get a new daily driver
  14. Steve, I'll say hi just as long as you don't drive your vette naked
  15. Rich you shouldn't let strangers pick their noses around your car
  16. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?textField1=40.2009&textField2=-77.2042 Looks good so far
  17. Can't believe nobody's said...not starting to use them sooner!
  18. Tell me about it, and the only good ones are already taken...oh well...less money to spend on them and more to spend on Adam's I'll be grabbing these new glass towels this Friday, and the Waterless Wash/towel combo - great for the vette since I refuse to put water on it See you there Rich!
  19. :2thumbs: Great spot for a picture too
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