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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. I charge an hourly rate, because every vehicle is different in size, condition, and what the owner wants done to it. I tell them the rate and what I can do, the benefits of each step, etc, and I ask what they would like done. Then I give them an estimate of how long it will take me to do what they want.
  2. APC should help dissolve whatever's on the surface, and after washing you'll probably have to spend a little extra time with the clay bar as well. Post a photo if you can so we can offer more direct advice
  3. Gotta be one neglected paintjob if things are starting to grow on it
  4. We had over 60 cars turn up yesterday (way more than expected). Anthony held some demos inside the garage while I wandered around the lot evicting swirl marks and holograms from the cars of some now-new Adam's users A Corvette and a Camaro in front of the Officially Licensed banner. Coincidence? I think not. And I leave you with Brian taking out the trash:
  5. If you have any more questions about the products you ordered feel free to ask away
  6. That's why you get it done now while it's still nice out, so the coat lasts you through the summer I sealed/waxed the G8 last week, now it's just proper routine washing until the end of autumn when it gets another coat of sealant to prepare for winter.
  7. Yep Also, with the Sealant, there is a cure time of about 20 minutes before you should remove the residue. Basically, do the entire car, and by the time you finish you should be able to go back to where you started and start wiping. With Americana (or paste wax in general) the cure time is very short, and the residue should be removed within a few minutes. Because of this, it's recommended to do only a panel or two at a time, ideally when the surface of the car is cool.
  8. Sealant would offer superior protection against the salt and sand during winter time. You won't get the face-melting "pop" that you would with a wax, but you will get more of a "warming glow". If the car is washed often, the sealant will also help protect against washing-induced swirls as Matt as mentioned. A coat of Machine Sealant lasts 6 months. Americana offers good protection, and two thin coats of it will be almost as good as one thin coat of machine sealant. You will get a mirror-wet shine with Americana, but a coat of it lasts about half as long as the Machine Sealant. If you only plan on buying one product, use this information to determine which scenario you'd prefer. Both are outstanding products, and on my G8 (which sits outside 24/7/365) I have a coat of Americana on top of a coat of Machine Sealant. The Corvette has a garage and only comes out during good weather and when the roads are clean, so only wears Americana. Hope I've helped
  9. Depends on if it's a daily driver that sits outside or sees harsh elements and weather. Those are the types of cars that would benefit from Super Sealant. If it's a garage queen and/or only driven in good weather, Americana is what you want.
  10. I sprayed it right onto the car so it can "activate". If you send it through a foam gun/cannon it will come out already agitated and won't be as effective.
  11. Don't try to cover it up with sprays, change the cabin air filter. In most vehicles they can be accessed via taking off part of the cowl, or behind the glove box. I did mine last month and it took 10 minutes. Look around online for the best price. Dealer wanted $66 for one filter, I got 3 shipped from O'Reily Auto for that price.
  12. Do a quick googling and read some of the reviews people have written. Absolute disaster.
  13. Just like with wax, it's better to do 2 thin applications rather than lay it on thick in one go. Everybody has provided great info - every manufacturer uses different leather, so go at it slowly: use less, let it absorb, go back and use a little more if it looks uneven, wipe down with a microfiber towel afterwards to remove excess product/shine. After a few initial applications the leather will maintain an even appearance and you'll know how much to use from then on!
  14. Had mine since it was first introduced: http://www.adamsforums.com/forums/waxing-glazing-sealing/22610.htm
  15. Nice touch with the old school Charger badge on the grille
  16. Applied Glass Sealant last week, and today I did the first wash since. I took a quick video (sorry about the vertical orientation) of how a windshield with Adam's Glass Sealant will basically dry itself with the "pooling rinse" method. Glass Sealant is often snubbed because of its cost per ounce ratio. Let me tell you that it is worth every penny. I bought my bottle years ago when it was first released and maybe an inch is missing. This bottle will last forever, and it does this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBwgtfksBAA
  17. Welcome, I have a friend who lives nearby in Chatham.
  18. It's at Anthony's shop: http://www.adamsforums.com/forums/upcoming-events-gatherings/22422.htm
  19. It's something most people figure out on their own depending on what they like/need. After a few washes you can sort of just eyeball it, since there's realistically no exact ratio to tell people to use
  20. Must be some really tough stuff if DWC didn't make it come off with ease. Do you have any photos of the wheels?
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