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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. Doesn't get more Made in the USA than this. Check out the video from the spire's point of view. Not for those who are afraid of heights
  2. This is what we currently have set up for auto-expansion:
  3. When I used DWC to decon my paint, I did a few panels at a time, let it dwell until it started to change color, then just rinsed it off thoroughly. As long as it doesn't dry you should be ok.
  4. The forums are on a new server with a new IP address, the results of which can take some time to propagate throughout the internet. For example, adamsforums.com gives me an error page, but adamsforums.com/index.php does not. Completely defies logic but that is just what happens during a server move. It will fix itself eventually. For the first few hours after the switch I couldn't get on at all. As far as broken images (like the < > buttons in the gallery) and anything else besides a forum setting, I can't fix as I don't have server access. I'm only offering my help to Dylan and the team to straighten out some of the accessibility settings and such since I am familiar with Invision forums. Their actual webmaster will need to address some of the other issues.
  5. You should only be able to see your own warning points. It is part of the spammer reporting system where users can report abusive posts and the moderators can assign points, too many points and the user's posting rights are suspended.
  6. It's a notification. There are a few things that I cannot click on as well, but it will take more than just changing a setting to fix. Something with the custom-made skin for the forum (I didn't make it) is conflicting with the Javascript that makes some of the fancy bits work (I confirmed they work in the default skin) so it will take some time for me to figure out a. what is causing it and b. how to fix it.
  7. I believe there is a known issue with iOS that IPB are going to take care of. Also I've added back all the custom smilies from the old forum. Click the when making a post and a horizontally scrolling list of them will appear at the bottom of your post window. Easier to navigate than the old style which popped up in a separate window.
  8. It might be the browser not allowing the script to work properly. If you still can't get it to work on a different computer, you can email me the image you want to use and I will manually change it for you
  9. GerryC

    Testing Testing

    The forum will automatically thumbnail images that are attached to posts. It can be disabled so the full photo can be seen without having to click on it, but what many people will do is they'll upload the raw photos from their camera which can be 3-5 times larger than most people's screen resolution. I adjusted the thumbnail size to be bigger, testing in this post
  10. Uploaded from my computer. Click Choose File, select a file, it works for a few seconds then it shows up in the box. It should work as long as the photo isn't larger than 500kb.
  11. I was able to change mine after making these fixes. What error message are you getting now?
  12. You should now be able to create a gallery. See this post for more info.
  13. Just finished with a bunch of fixes, still looking for user feedback. Below are the changes that directly affect users: Founding Members can now: See the "New Member Check-In" board Create albums View the list of users online Rate topics Edit their own profile information See latest post info in forum- and topic-view Members are no longer limited to just 500KB of global upload space. Added product acronyms for almost all of the bottled products, for example: DS, GC, WW, IOS, etc. will now spell out the whole product name. "View New Content" will now display new posts made since your last visit, rather than ALL of the unread posts on the forum. This way you can see what is actually new, rather than a bunch of old posts that you wouldn't necessarily care about. For people looking for a feature similar to "User CP" from the old forum, clicking on "View New Content" and then selecting the appropriate options under "Other" will give you what you are looking for. "Just Items I Follow" will be topics you've subscribed to; "Items I've Participated In" will be topics you've replied to; and "Items I've Started" will be topics you've created yourself. It takes an extra click or two but this helps filter some subscriptions if you have many active ones. Like I said, still looking for user feedback. The search engine will be the next thing I look at, but for now keep the suggestions/bug reports coming and I will do my best to help everyone become accustomed to the new software.
  14. Invision's rationale was that if everyone had a different amount of posts per page, then giving someone a link to a specific post wouldn't work, because my page 8 would be your page 2, for example.
  15. I believe that feature was removed in version 3.3 (currently using 3.4) and many IPB community admins say their users are up in arms over it.
  16. They're options you can enable/disable notifications for a bunch of things: http://www.adamsforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications
  17. GerryC

    Testing Testing

    Trying to attach from bottom of the page Once you "choose" your file, you have to click Attach This File. I do not have a gallery
  18. I am unable to do it as well. I think it has to do with us being in the "Founding Member" group rather than just "Members" - the admins need to enable the feature for our group, one of the many tweaks they are currently working on. How were you able to change your avatar? I still can't change mine.
  19. GWD towels are chamois on steroids and 100x safer. Last time I was cleaning my towels after a wash, I did a little experiment: I soaked the GWDT with enough water that it was fully saturated but NOT dripping. Then I wrang it out into a bucket and poured that water into a measuring cup. 600ml of water that thing holds without dripping a single drop! That's almost an entire bottle of scotch
  20. Bottom of the page, in red, next to "Change Theme"
  21. I'm noticing that when you quote someone's post it does not include their name in your reply (even though it does show it in post-edit mode), which makes it a bit difficult to follow exchanges within a topic. Also there is no option for me to add photos to my gallery. Other members have, so I'm guessing this is also a feature that isn't enabled for the Founding Member group. There should be an admin option to simply copy the permissions for the Members group into the Founding Members group, which should remedy those issues. Dylan, I've been installing, customizing, and administrating Invision Powerboard forums for almost 10 years (since version 1.3) so if you guys need an extra hand getting things sorted I am willing to help.
  22. When I was finally able to access the new forum, my avatar had been replaced by some cartoon dude with a red bandana and an assault rifle I removed it, but I am unable to change it to anything. When I click Import I get a message "member_profile_disabled" which makes me think the option for avatars is disabled for the "Founding Members" group. Also please consider enabling the "latest post by" for both forum- and topic-view. It makes it easier to see if there's anything new posted. without having to go into each forum
  23. Wipe down the area with Waterless Wash or Detail Spray and an Adam's towel first. As always, start with the least aggressive method (FMP/White Pad). You don't need to do the whole car if you're just trying to get these localized scratches out. The 4 inch focus pads would be ideal here, but the larger pads will work just as well. If FMP works, then great. Otherwise, step up to SHR/Orange, then follow up with FMP/White. I don't think you would need to use the Severe.
  24. Pictures would help, but if they're just light dust scratches then you could probably get rid of them with just Fine Machine Polish. Unless the handle bar scratch is repairable, then you may as well do the whole process. Like I said, tough to say without seeing a picture of it.
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