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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. Reputation points. Everyone starts with 10. It goes up when people "like" a post that you've made.
  2. This one is tricky because I've seen instances where the author and the date/time stamp is present in quotes, and then I'll refresh the page and it will just be the quoted post. It's not a setting, it's an issue with the new skin. Again, since I didn't make the skin, I don't want to go messing around with it myself. But these and other issues are definitely known and will hopefully be addressed soon.
  3. GerryC

    new forums.

    Check out this post: http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/23531-please-read-welcome-to-the-new-adams-forums/?p=375412
  4. Sent you a PM to see if I can replicate the problem.
  5. GerryC

    new forums.

    The "Real Name" field being visible in topic view will be on the next list of tweaks. I do not have access to the admin settings anymore so I am limited with what I can do from here on out. The staff is busy this week finishing the warehouse revamp and doing dealer training this weekend, so once things are settled down we will start to sort out a few more issues.
  6. Do you have "Auto follow topics I reply to." checked, with a frequency option other than "none"? Do you also have "Notification method to use for replies to followed topics" checked under "email"? Are you getting an error message when trying to view your own attachments? Can you be more specific about what happens so we can narrow down the cause? So far nobody else has reported this problem, and these are by-group settings. Lastly, there is no spell check in the post editor because modern browsers have one (a much more accurate one at that) built in - you'll get the red squiggly lines under misspelled words, just like you would in any Microsoft Office program. P.S. are you going to Mongillo's next month?
  7. If I have a 800-pixel-wide photo it is going to be 800 pixels regardless of how wide the forum layout is... Like I already said, the only place a wider forum would be better is in topics with walls of text. Images have fixed dimensions and aren't going to get larger by themselves with extra space. Besides, if someone posts an image that is really large, even though the forum will shrink it to fit the layout, you can click on it to have it pop up full size. A wider monitor is what will let you see more of the photo in that case, and not everybody has the same size monitor.
  8. GerryC

    Calling CHEWY!!!

    Your memory loss isn't something I can fix on the forum http://www.adamsforums.com/topic/23229-middle-name/?p=369255
  9. Solvent pop, little bubbles in the clearcoat that become pinholes after a while. Nothing you can do about it really. Amazing before & after, how dirty was the clay when you were done with it??
  10. His phone does open the link in the browser, but FedEx's site does not auto redirect to its mobile site, so viewing the tracking info is difficult. Will look into adding a mobile link to the email template.
  11. Just FYI, even if the forums did stretch out the entire width of the screen, the only beneficial place you would see this is in posts that are very text-heavy (multiple 10+ sentence paragraphs). As the majority of posts are often much shorter than that (or rather include many photos instead), horizontal stretching would gain absolutely 0 vertical space whatsoever. Below is a screenshot of the forum in its current state superimposed on what the forums would look like with the width attribute set to 1500 pixels (rather than the current 990). For reference, my resolution is 1680x1050. You will notice no difference in the scroll bar's length as everything would still line up.
  12. For the fender flares on my G8 I switched over the the 4" pads on the PC to take care of the sharp curves.
  13. If you click on the dark grey circle next to a topic with unread posts, it will bring you to the first unread post of that topic, regardless of the number of pages. Also in case people were unaware, this grey circle will be a star instead if it's a topic they've posted in themselves.
  14. I wouldn't even use WW on pollen, especially if it bakes in the sun. Not much you can do but like carl said, just keep a good coat of sealant on it so the pollen comes off easier and safer, and give it a proper wash.
  15. Wow, that came out nice. Did you take any pictures after painting but before using Adam's? Gotta love the satisfaction of doing something like this yourself
  16. I'm a huge fan of the pooling rinse method. Even if I use my leaf blower to dry the car, the pooling rinse still helps cut down on time spent with the leaf blower, master blaster, etc.
  17. Nice, crazy amount of metallic flake in that paint, and the dual roofs are sweet. You should try DWC as a decon product, I used it on my G8 with amazing results.
  18. That is glorious 12 gallons...I think you're set for more than a year.
  19. Tallest in the Western hemisphere are 3rd tallest in the world, if I'm not mistaken. Hope to get down there and see it up close sometime this month. Last time I was down that far south in Manhattan it (only) looked like this:
  20. I believe that will give you one email per reply to a followed topic while offline. Switch the frequency to Daily Digest or change from email notifications to board notifications if the emails are too much. I haven't experienced this on either PC, Mac, or Android. Like I said before there is apparently a known issue with iOS, so if you are using an iPhone or iPad this may be one of the problems. I don't know what the "issue" with iOS is and I do not own or have access to any iOS devices to try and replicate this. That is part of the script problem I talked about with some of the fancy buttons not working. Whoever designed the forum skin needs to handle that. I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out where the conflict was but since I didn't customize the skin I was at a loss.
  21. My notifications work exactly as I have them set up...not sure why it doesn't work properly for only a few people.
  22. http://www.adamsforums.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=notifications
  23. Did you wax the car after polishing with the Flex? What wax did you use? If your grit guard moves around because the bucket is a tad too big, get some thick zip ties and do something like this so it fits snug: http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff443/DaveVY1/3da3bccb.jpg Always inspect your wash pads during the wash to make sure they are free of any large particles that may scratch the paint. Also, how often do you waterless wash? It's really meant for removing very light dust/dirt and is not a substitute for regular washing. If you use WW on a dirty enough car you could definitely induce more scratches.
  24. If the ZL1 sits in a garage and doesn't come out in bad weather, you can forgo the sealant altogether and do Glaze then Americana. This will give you the dripping wet look you are hoping to achieve.
  25. Agreed, the mobile skin for IPB is pretty fluid.
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