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Everything posted by GerryC

  1. Actually said "whoa" out loud when I opened this topic Fantastic job on that Olds
  2. Basically means they contain no silicone, which could contaminate another car that is being prepped for paint and cause all sorts of problems when that other car gets sprayed.
  3. Moderating forums is all I know. 11 years at it. I'm very good at what I do. Gerry Question, Dylan, how do you do something as simple as post a reply to a topic, which someone with my claimed experience should know how to do in their sleep? I need to know so I can get back to running my billion dollar multinational equity firm and still have time to detail cars on the side.
  4. lol specialty registration, yeah, ok. In many ways, cops issuing tickets are like dealers selling cars. Any BS they can say to make you believe them they will try, because they think it sounds legit enough to make people shut up. What they don't know is there are some people out there who aren't complete idiots.
  5. Adam's does not currently have a soft top cleaner. I'm pretty sure they've been testing but haven't come up with something they are 100% happy with. I know Adam has endorsed Ragg Topp in the past. If you are just looking for some light cleaning, you can mix a few ounces of Adam's Car Wash Shampoo with water, in a bottle with a foaming sprayer, and use a soft brush (like the interior brush) to clean a soft top. CUC will work for slightly dirtier tops, or ones that are stained, but be sure to test in an inconspicuous spot first.
  6. If you're just doing maintenance and not any polishing I'd say you are pretty much set then. Definitely get a wax down the line once you start getting more involved.
  7. I had to edit a few choice words out of the title, be happy you didn't see it earlier
  8. There are over a dozen states which do not require a front plate, so the actual "reason" is a bit muddled. The only thing I can think of is that it helps with red light cameras. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:License_Plate_Laws.png
  9. Keep the spare in your glove box and toss it up on your dashboard if you get pulled over again. Use the excuse you do not have the front bracket and do not want to drill holes in your bumper. I keep the front plate in the vette at all times but the cops shouldn't pull you over if you are driving within the law. You just got unlucky and drove by a jerk cop.
  10. I've had this happen but only with brand new glass towels. Once I washed mine they worked as expected. I used Invisible Glass too before I discovered Adam's. Great product, I actually kinda prefer the foaming aerosol delivery method over just spraying, but I get the same end result using Adam's.
  11. GerryC

    I Want a Subaru!!!!

    Dude, this is in Wallingford? I'm going to look for this thing in person.
  12. Beautiful color. I love using Revive on metallic paint after polishing, it really makes the metal flake pop.
  13. Mine will be here friday. I am sticking with foam for now because it is what I'm used to and I don't often encounter anything that would require the cut of MF. I'd imagine on darker cars it would be almost required to finish with foam. Adam even suggests it because the finishing MF can leave dark paint a bit hazy. This "hybrid" system he talks about (cutting with MF, finishing with foam) sounds like the best approach for that situation. I think it also depends on which machine you are using as well. I know JBlack151 finds the MF pads better on the Rupes, and the foam pads better with the Flex/PC. But everyone is different in comfort level, technique, etc so it's a tough choice I know. Thankfully with Adam's 110% guarantee, you won't be stuck if you get both sets and find that one just isn't working for you.
  14. And like I said earlier, some things just aren't available in America and that is completely out of Adam's control. It forces them to look elsewhere for certain products like the Flex and microfiber. However they would rather support a reputable manufacturer like Flex than a company who is outsourcing parts made from borderline slave labor. The Cyclo polisher which will be "replacing" the PC is 100% made in America and has been for 60 years. It will be available soon from Adam's.
  15. If you're just looking for one that attaches to your hose, you can find Gilmour Foam Guns on Amazon for less than $40.
  16. Welcome As of right now, Super VRT and a sponge is the only way to go. Some people take an empty bottle and make a mixture of VRT and water, using a sprayer, to make things easier. Adam's has a dedicated spray-on tire dressing in the works, but no idea how far off it is.
  17. Sounds like you amassed a pretty impressive collection though. Make sure to follow Adam's on facebook to get the jump on stuff in the works.
  18. If you are going to toss them, another place to check with is your water company. Mine accepts old chemicals for proper disposal, usually for free. Otherwise do as others have suggested and donate them to someone who "cares but not really" (best way to put it imo) like Ryan said
  19. With the recent introduction of the new two step polishing system and the discontinuation of the previous polishes and the green pads, there have been quite a few people still looking for some new old stock. While Adam's is pretty much out of the old stuff, there is a good chance that your local Adam's authorized dealer could still have green Gen 4 pads, SSR, SHR, or FMP that they are trying to phase out in favor of stocking the new PCP and PFP and MF pads. Remember, buying from a dealer will still grant you the Adam's unconditional 110% guarantee. If you buy used products from another member (which isn't allowed on the forums) you are doing so at your own risk! Also just a reminder, if Adam's happens to be temporarily out of stock on something that you need ASAP, chances are good that a dealer may have them in stock. Try a few different places, as most are willing to ship.
  20. Local dealer might have some left.
  21. Welcome, I really like that hood Go Bruins
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