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Everything posted by stripesace

  1. when apply Paint Sealant, I almost always put 2 coats on the car if I have the time.
  2. Can't wait for your write up on the Rupes vs. Cylco.
  3. I wouldn't do the sealant... However Glass cleaner... use it all the time.
  4. It's probably the washer more than the quick disconnect itself.
  5. I have pretty high water pressure .... Once you get past the initial valve "opening" the fan and streams are very consistent. I tried to demonstrate that when I repositioned my hand. It gets the job done for how little I really use it. Pretty much use my pressure washer for just about everything now. I go back and forth on getting the fire hose nozzle though....
  6. I'll be back out after the rain passes. See what I can do.
  7. They're the same manufacturer and part number, just a different color. I've gotten both
  8. Looks like a spinning toliet brush.... how soft are those bristles?
  9. Welcome from a fellow Texan! What part of the state are you in?
  10. Hard to call a car made in Australia, American, but I get your point
  11. Officially jealous... I've wanted an SS since 2014... ALMOST got it done last year as 15 SIM's were sitting on the lot for a while... but family obligations got me past it. Still wish I could get one, but Chevy makes that REALLY hard to do.
  12. All these answers and no ones asked... Whose signature?
  13. Adam himself has been quoted at saying he's used it as such in a pinch.
  14. Price... Next big sale will make it harder to NOT get one for waterless, and detail spray.
  15. Yeah, I think I'm not going to be able to put off ordering some of those pressure sprayer bottles any longer.
  16. Because a gallon of Detail Spray is 44.95 and a gallon of rinseless diluted to clay lube is $3.24? I played with 64:1 and 32:1 and 32:1 vs. Detail spray couldn't discern the difference in the slickness. 64:1 was a little grabbier than detail spray, 16:1 was too slick.
  17. 32:1 is PLENTY slick for clay lube. It's my go to for clay lube for now.
  18. Remember that selling feature of 40% more power? LOL Even Rupes' pads are having issues with it too. SLOOOOOW those machines down seems to be the consensus.
  19. I think Ford loves Orange Peel more than Toyota does...
  20. Congrats. Our youngest just turned 5 months old today! The second one makes life triply more interesting! Glad everything went well.
  21. Can we have one of these threads once without rehashing the whole Glaze -> Sealant vs. Sealant -> Glaze debates?
  22. Thats an awesome color. Makes me miss my '13 explorer!
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