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Help me pick out a DSLR Camera...


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Ok I know where Dylan stands on this subject and he's MORE then welcome to add more to this.


I have jumped on to several different sites over the past 6 months to buy a digital camera and have NEVER been able to take the plunge.


I have a Nikon SLR now with a couple of older non VR (vibe reduction) lens's and I always loved it. I haven't used it in probably 9 years though. :o


With my infant son, I am now looking to get something that takes better pictures.


What I've looked at so far is purely Nikon because it's what I know but that's not much actually. The D3100, D5000, and D90 were the ones I looked at. Honestly, the 3100 and 5000 are in the price range I think I want to buy.


Any help you can offer me with Pentax, Canon, Lumix, or any other is MUCH appreciated.


I'm looking for a "I have XXXX and I like it" as well as for pro's and cons of each.


The reason I stuck to Nikon is because my lens's will fit, but they won't have auto focus or VR, unless I step up to the D90 which has a AF motor built in, but they still wouldn't have VR. So I'm thinking maybe a complete change is prudent, if I can get more bang for my buck with another brand.


Thanks for any help you can give.



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I am very interested to see the replies on this. I am going to be pulling the trigger sometime this year for a DSLR. I have been a Canon girl at heart....but I am willing to go the Nikon route if it's a better bang for the buck.



I have subscribed! :)

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I bought a Nikon D90 in April of last year and I absolutely love it. It is easy to use and the reviews on it are very good. We wound up spending about $3K for the camera, base lens and a wide angle lens and extended warranties. The picture below was taken with it using the wide angle lens.

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I have a Nikon D90 and really liked it over the Canon's when I was shopping. I liked the body when I held it, menus were nice, LCD was bright/high rez, and seemed to feel better (lenses had some a nice feel).


Performance wise either can take great picture.

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Ok so here's what I have for lens's. Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 G


Nikon AF 28-80mm 1:3.5-5.6 D


Nikon Nikkor 30-60 1:4-5.6. non AF and much older than the other two.


I'm wondering if I get the D90 body, if they'll work. I think I need to make some calls... Unless someone knows.





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Chris, those are two that I'm looking at too. Dylan, talked me into those. The D5000 has the flip LCD screen. But I think the D3100 has an auto focus when doing movies. There are a lot of pro's and con's to each one.


I hear you on getting a nice camera for taking pictures of the kids. Every 6 months were having pictures done.....and it is isn't cheap. I'm trying to tell my wife that the price of the camera will pay for itself in 2 years. Plus, you can take really nice pictures of your car. :)

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Ok well I found a cross reference that says my lenses will work so I broke down and bought the 3100. It was 629 bucks delivered. I'm sure I'll like it. It came with one 18-55mm VR lens as well. If anything it'll be a great starter camera.



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Ok, so I went window shopping on the Nikon site.


I would like to say I know what I want but I do not!


Right now I have a 15mp Canon camera.

I honestly don't think I need more than that for the DSLR. Please correct me if I am wrong on that front.


So there are 9 DSLR's

6 DSLR's are within the MP I think I need


D90 - 12.3 mp 4.5 fps - $900.00

D3100 - 14.2 mp 3 fps - $700.00

D5000 - 12.3 mp 4 fps - $630.00

D300s - 12.3 mp 7-8 fps - $1,700.00

D3S - 12.3 mp 9 fps - $5,000.00

D700 - 12.1 mp doesn't mention fps - $2,700.00


I have eliminated the BOLD based on price alone. :(


Time for bed...but now I have pretty much been convinced to switch to Nikon when I am ready for the next camera. I just have to choose between those top three and pull the trigger at tax time....that is unless I get to the PA clinic and spend it there!


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I'm extremely happy with my D5000. I got the kit with a 18-55mm nikkor and a 70-200mm nikkor both with VR. It's really nice to be shooting some pics and flip over and shoot some video. I do however long for a autofocus for the video, and it's time to autofocus can be upwards of 1 full second. That can cause the perfect kid picture to be gone forever, however once it's focused the 4fps is a welcome feature. I have taken some amazing photos with it in the month that I've had it. The D3100 has better video features than the D5000, but I have a panasonic HD camcorder that is dedicated to video, so the D5000 was the way to go for me... Pics to follow when I'm not on my iPhone.

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Chewy - those lenses will kind of limit your picture taking options, I'd stick with an 18-55mm if you're only going to have one lens. Get some broader options if you find yourself in situation where a long zoom or needing to do macro work.


Brandi - in DSLR's don't get hung up on megapixels... MP's are a way for point and shoot cameras to somewhat falsely inflate the quality of the images the cameras take. A DSLR rated at the fraction of the MP of a point and shoot will take much HIGHER quality images.


FWIW - I have the 300s... one of the cameras you eliminated based on price, but I had the 90 before that and couldn't find a bad thing about it. Lenses is where you're going to really start to upgrade your body. Get yourself a decent camera body and invest more serious money into a good lens. I'm running an 18-200mm VRII Nikkor lens.

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