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3D printer can print.... functional tools!


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Probably sooner than we think. The way some technology is moving its almost scary.


You know, it could almost change the balance of manufacturing might... Instead of buying millions of pieces of cheap crap from China, how cool would it be to buy the files from an American firm and print out what you need right at home or at the local kinkos?


It certainly raises all kinds of issues, like having to have Digital Management Rights on the flies, but it could be very, very world-changing.

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I saw something similar on "My Classic Car" (season 15, episode 18) this weekend. Jay Leno has one to remake parts, which seems to be a fantastic way to obtain replacement parts for vintage vehicles. My brother-in-law has worked on Pebble Beach Concours winners and they had to make bolts from scratch.

I hadn't thought of the space angle that was mentioned in the video, but that really makes sense.

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  • 5 months later...

This was on this old house a few weeks ago, infact this season of this old house they are redoing the owner of Z corps home. Its awesome!


They did a segment on this and what they print out is simply amazing. My dad was so amazed by it he called the purchasing department at Boeing (where he works) and said that his department would benefit immensely from it and would like to have it ASAP....It will be delivered in January:rolleyes:


The selling feature for him was the printable moving parts. He could design a blade and print it out to get a preliminary look at it....Before they design the scale models to go in the wind tunnel....What a cool job:glasses:



i think your right! :D It's cool but its really expensive to buy this and not practical to buy unless you have business in 3d printing.


they are paying 65k for it. But where the expense is is the powder and the resin you dip it in after it its complete...Hes not sure exactly of the cost but the powder refill is 8-12k a pop, then the resin they dip it into costs 1200-2300 :yikes: They can expect to get 20-35 models out of it

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I don't think this is quite real. I believe u can do 3d printing and make real tools but not as easy as the natgeo made it looked...look at this video...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi7a9SvePxQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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